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We The People See The Truth


Updated: Aug 13, 2019

We have been defrauded our whole lives and shaped through deliberate indoctrination. Mercilessly miseducated by artificial societal structures, which give rise to the ignorance, and then the complete acceptance of any contract offered to the hypnotized, ungrounded, and preyed upon people of the world.

We do not owe anyone anything today. We deserve truth, we deserve the facts, we deserve to know what's really happening. To hell with the two party system, to hell with the dark vs the light, to hell with secrecy in a 'free and open society'.

The people need to know they've been under Martial Law, and Martial Rule for almost as long as this country was founded. We the people need to know, better, we deserve to know that there are plans from (nearly) invisible forces, to dominate and control every facet of mankind since the beginning of HIStory.

We Are Awake WWG1WGA

The awake and aware realize the debt-based society is not of our personal making, and therefore truly not for us to serve any longer.

This game of 'wait for something to happen' must end.

It is in the power of POTUS to justly bring this all out into the public. I do know there is only so many things one man can do at a time, and we are ever thankful he is doing it against all odds, but the best and the brightest among us should be doing more, and more transparently so!

This is not a game. Children are dying. People are committing suicide. People are turning to drugs and external stimulants, and end up overdosing because they have no hope.

It is in our power to put a stop to this cycle of death, right now, with full transparency.

The people are beginning to see part of the iceberg that is the 'monolithic conspiracy' Kennedy told us about, and yet they give up before they can even begin, because they think they can't change anything due to the implanted idea that it is 'beyond their paygrade'.

People are lost in the Holy See. Their 'vessels' they abandon for hope of some future event to happen that saves them from the responsibility of right now. They do not know how inherently powerful they are, because so few good people are setting the examples! They do not know their creator capacity, and all that survives around us is due to our ignorant consent to adhesion contracts and tacit agreements.

No one knows what the world-population will think when they have a full dose of truth and disclosure. I'm sure it would be better than the current treachery, abuse, forced organ harvesting, human trafficking, sex slavery, chattel property of persons, and the list goes on.

People are dying every moment, every second, as this plan slowly unfolds, yet we still #TrustThePlan, because we are still waiting for something to happen.

Frankly I'm done waiting. We need people with principal-determination, honor and commitment, to stand up and say "No more!", with the knowledge to backup their conviction. We need people to stop paying into dead-fictional entities we call 'govt', which then in turn pays the worst criminals what should have been the liquidity of the people. We need the collective to stop registering everything they own to the Crown Corporation, and to stop praising the Vatican and its' vast demonic, 9th Circle Satanic manifestations.

Life vs PERSON

The people deserve better from the best of us.

We know that the people believe wrongly in the current 'legal' system. It is where many people have their attentions upon since it is the avenue by which the mainstream media chooses to inform us of. The people would utilize a Court of Record if only they were shown the proper example of how to do it, and if the 'Judges' were not themselves corrupt. The people do not move Courts of Record because there are no better examples of justice anywhere else but in the spotlight of 'federal court' because of our lamestream media. Therefore the people are happy to choose their false beliefs instead of changing them.

Cognitive dissonance is entrenched from a young age by division and chastising those that do not conform to the 'norms' of the El-itists Society structures. The legal system is the demonic child of the El-itists, the very enemy we are fighting: the Cabal, corrupt factions of secret societies, and the globalists that serve a master that is less than god. The corrupt societies of old conspired to create a system of dead-fictions that we toil under religiously today.

We cannot allow these institutions to pillage the sovereignty of our people through the corruption of our beliefs any longer.

The 'Holy' Roman Empires' remnants did not fall, it has its tentacles on us now, still, if not in full force, in partial force, because the people still believe they owe the fiction(s) some part of their life. Be they taxes, or 'promises' on a mortgage instrument that was paid the moment it was autographed. It can all change the moment people realize what they believe in is false. It can't change until then.

Lex Mercatoria, the Law Merchant, The Legal Society, are all names for the same private mercantile/commercial courts of the king(s) of ancient britain, with all the parasitic connections into Europe, theremade and affecting the people worldwide. This is how the Roman Empire survives. As Ken Cousens said:

We are living inside an Egyptian Mystery School. - Ken Cousens

Right now, under the pressures of indoctrination by a corrupted and pre-designed language that works against us in the very ordinary speech used by the common people.

In one strong gust of wind, by the actions of one man with the attention of the world, could then there be an awakening of the people, that will carry the wind to the whole-world to realize the whole-truth, undiluted.

Why would so much effort be expended upon a plan that uses the same corrupt system of control that was used to subvert the people out of their original sovereign capacity, and the constitutional republic that was the foundation of our original ancestors principals? Are the best of us, the white-knights, the Alliance, are they truly unaware of the very fabric of the illusion that many of the awakened people such as Ken Cousens, and GemstoneUniversity know?

Could the best and brightest among us, insiders, and faithful servants to the good; could they truly be unaware of the whole subversion 'game' perpetrated by the ancient principalities?

I say to hell with the masonic checkerboard and all its' black and white squares. To hell with the Good cop / Bad cop, the Dark v. Light, Divide and Conquer.

The Societies are no longer secret.

We See The Truth.

Small be the awakened mass that innerstands it all, but soon it shall grow when the truth is known, when examples are set, the people will inherently know how to speak it in vibrations that make sense to one another. Many of us have been placed here at this time to teach their friends and family upon such greater awareness that is coming forth.

We The People, See The Truth!

There won't be any massive panic upon disclosure of the Truth. There already is a critical mass between massive panic and complete hypnosis as the mind-control and illusion systems are amplified ever more. The time for full awareness is now, as It has always been now!

We all have access to the Divine. Krishna taught the disciples of man that we all have a Divine Self that is united with god.

We are spiritual beings that have forgotten our inherent power and wisdom. We can handle the truth, Q. Give it to us openly, let us absorb it and show the rest of the world verifiable proof of the wrongs perpetrated against mankind.

We are Divine Principals in stillness and sometimes we act in motion.

We are done waiting.

We have learned to become detatched from this illusion.

We are done serving both good and evil masters.

We cannot be afraid to tell the truth as we know it. We are ready, Q, for the full story you drop 'crumb by crumb'.

Truth or no truth.

That is the choice.

Break the Saturnian-Moon Matrix illusion.

We are aware and we are ready. We are the QArmy.

We are Q.

It is time to Be The Plan on Earth-anew, without corporate fictions and slavery.

Editors Note 8/13/2019: I deleted the reference and recommendation for Larken Rose and his book after the horrible treatment and lack of debate he displayed when I commented on one of his Trump bashing posts on Facebook. I really expected more from someone like him, who tries to set a high standard, but fails miserably to maintain and foster healthy debate. My post in response to his blocking me/removing my responses is at the following link:

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